win10桌面美化工具下载 Windows 10 Transformation Pack 3.0 官方版
更新:添加64位系统支持(不是以32位进程运行) -Added few delay (about 2.5 seconds) in some tasks to make it done before doing next task (which I assume it solve some issues) 添加更少的任务执行延迟(应该会解决一些问题) -Added localized operation system support (works on every language files!) 添加对各种语言系统的支持 -Added Longhorn M9 Bliss, Keynote Glass and Keynote Grass wallpapers 添加Longhorn M9 Bliss, Keynote Glass and Keynote Grass wallpapers -Added Longhorn PDC screensaver 添加Longhorn PDC屏幕保护 -Added new 6 Longhorn fonts from build 5048 添加来自build 5048的6个新Longhorn字体 -Added Windows Server 2003 SP1 support for patching uxtheme.dll 添加支持Windows Server 2003 SP1的补丁文件uxtheme.dll -Added Windows XP 16-bit application execution fix in some cases that found this issue 添加Windows XP某些情况下16位应用程序的执行问题 -Fixed failing to apply SideBar skins bug 修复应用侧边拦皮肤失败的问题 -Fixed failing to check previous service pack before transforming issues 修复在转换前不能检查以前SP(service pack)的问题 -Fixed first-run transforming insecure operations 修复首次运行不稳定的问题 -Fixed losing transforming information after transforming bug 修复在转换错误后丢失转换信息的问题 -Fixed patching system files to run in first-run transforming 修复在首次转换中给运行的系统问题打补丁的问题 -Fixed restoring original folder sources name bug in “Previous operation imcompleted.” process 修复恢复原是文件夹时”Previous operation imcompleted.”进程问题 -Fixed taskkill.exe error by adding taskkill.exe file into program 修复添加taskkill.exe文件到程序的错误 -Remove precaching files replacement (I added delay now so what’s worth for it?) 移除预缓冲文件的替代 -Replaced M5 boot screen with WinHEC boot screen 移除M5启动界面 -Temporary remove MSN Messenger 7 Longhorn skins 暂时移除MSN Messenger 7 Longhorn皮肤 -Updated some Longhorn boot screen resources from build 5048 更新Longhorn的启动界面到5048 -Updated Longhorn icons from build 5048 更新图标到5048 -Updated Longhorn SideBar 5.0 Update 更新侧边拦到Longhorn SideBar 5.0 |-更新: ||-应用皮肤及托盘时钟 ||-透明支持 ||-不再拖慢机器 ||-不再有XP/2003中背景图标透明及的32位图标问题 ||-侧边拦入坞Docking支持 ||-显示侧边拦,知识兔双击任务栏图标 ||-固定显示/隐藏侧边拦 |-添加 Western (By Scott Eichelberger) |-修正标题模式的12月 |-更新备忘录,可直接编辑 |-更新侧边拦的GUI显示代码 |-更新幻灯片搜索功能(read notes.txt) -更新景点模式下开始菜单面板的>